Are you planning your once-in-a-lifetime obligation Hajj this year? Well, then you got us at the right time. When you are performing your pilgrimage, you will be visiting the second holiest city of Islam – Medina. There is a special place you must visit in Masjid al-Nabawi called Riaz Ul Jannah. Today, we will talk about making dua in Riaz Ul Jannah and how it can solidify your pilgrimage and also your Hajj package booking.

What did the Prophet (ﷺ) say about Riaz Ul Jannah? 

The term ‘Riaz Ul Jannah is known as the ‘Garden of Paradise'. Muslims from all over the world believe that the place inside the Masjid Al Nabawi is very pious and making Dua inside it gets accepted by the Almighty Allah (SWT).

We can find in the Hadiths of our beloved Prophet (ﷺ), there is a mention of this garden. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “The area between my house and my minbar is one of the gardens of Paradise” [Sahih al-Bukhari 1196].

Not only for the Prayer purpose, but the decoration and the ambiance of the holy place is itself a blessing to the Nafz. So, while going on your Hajj Umrah travels on your pilgrimage, make sure you pray inside it.

What Happens When You Make Dua Inside Riaz Ul-Jannah? 

When you make dua inside Riaz Ul Jannah, the feeling is something you do not get regularly. Imagine you are standing in a place blessed with Allah (SWT)'s presence which also shows you what a piece of Paradise on Earth looks like. This is exactly what Riaz Ul Jannah is.

  • Chance of Acceptance is Higher: When you raise your hands while making Dua, asking the Al-Muhyi(SWT) for anything you need or desire, you are doing it in a place where the chances of your prayers being answered are higher.
  • Abundance of Mercy and Barakah: As Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said the space between his Minbar and his grave is a garden from Paradise. So, when you stand there with your Hajj tour operator and make dua, it is like you're standing in the presence of Allah (SWT), in a place where His Mercy and Barakah flow abundantly.
  • Remembrance of Allah (SWT): It is not just about the physical location; it is also about the spiritual atmosphere. Riaz Ul Jannah is filled with the remembrance of Allah (SWT) and has witnessed countless prayers of countless believers throughout history. When you add your dua to this spiritual energy, it becomes even more powerful.

While you are inside Riaz Ul Jannah and making Dua, it is a moment where you connect with your Creator on such a higher level. This is a perfect place to pour your heart out and seek His guidance and mercy. For the special nature of this place, your prayers are more likely to be answered here. While booking your Luxury Umrah Package from Kolkata, ask your operator to take you to the place.

So, when you find yourself in Riaz Ul Jannah, take a moment to make dua. Close your eyes, focus your heart, and speak to Allah (SWT) with sincerity. Who knows, your Dua made in this blessed garden might just be the ones that bring about the change you have been hoping for in your life.

When to Make Dua inside Riaz Ul Jannah? 

As per the guidelines of Masjid Al Nabawi, in this beautiful section, Men have access from 2:30 AM to Fajr and 11:30 AM to Isha, and for Women, the access is from Isha prayer to 11:30 PM and then from Fajr.

But do not forget to make an appointment before going there because without permission the area is not allowed for the pilgrims. During your hajj umrah tours keep this in mind to book the appointment before you head towards the ‘Garden of Paradise'.

Performing Hajj for a Better Life 

While for others Hajj can look merely as a religious obligation, for Muslims all over the world, it is about seeking mercy, self-reflection, and spiritual elevation. When you perform Hajj sincerely and with a pure Niyyat, it transforms your life. It cleanses your Nafz, strengthens your Iman, and brings you closer to the Ash-Shaafee (SWT). Tell us what can be a better place to experience this transformation than in Riaz Ul Jannah?

When booking your Hajj package with a reputable agency, make sure you have that you have the opportunity to spend a generous amount of time in Riaz Ul Jannah. These hajj tour packages include guided tours of significant sites in Medina, allowing you to deeply indulge in the spiritual atmosphere and make your Allah (SWT) please with your Ibadat.


As of now, you have an idea how blessed is the place Riaz Ul Jannah. So, if you are planning your Hajj journey this year, do not miss the chance to make dua here. It is a sacred space where your Dua's are more likely to be answered, and the experience will leave a lasting impact on your spiritual journey. So, when you book your Hajj package, make sure it allows you to make Dua inside of Riaz Ul Jannah.